
Thursday 17 January 2019


Hey Bloggers!

Sorry I haven't been so active lately I have been away on holiday. But speaking of holidays this is what this blog post is about.

Today for my blog post I will be talking about some of my favourite things I have done these holidays.

These holidays I have gone away to Cromwell and to Nelson

So first up I have my favourite things in Cromwell.

The first thing is yabbieing (pronounced yab-e-ing). Now if you don't know what a yabbie is it is basically like a small crayfish. the way you catch them is you got to a certain spots where you know they is yabbys and then you through in some bait atached to a string. For bait you can use things like which you can use things like fish guts, then you wait for them to come crawling towards it then you scoop it up inot a bucket. But before you put it inot the bucket always remember to check under the tale for eggs and if there is eggs then you have to put the yabbie back in the water.

Once we got back to the house with the yabbies we then cooked them. Once you cook them you then have to tail them because the tail is the only part of the yabbie that you eat.
Here are some photos of after they were cooked and we were tailing them.

My next favourite thing that we did in Cromwell is going to the lake. This is just so fun to do with family and just have a big day at the lake, one day we actaully ended up spending 6 hours at the lake.
Me and my cousins had so much fun that day and here are some photos.

My last favourite thing that we di in Cromwell was go on the Earnslaw which is a big boat and fun fact it was made the same year as the titanic. The Earnslaw was so fun we took off from Queenstown and then we ended up on the other side pf the lake and then we went to the farm park over there.
they were all so fun and here are some pictures.

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