
Wednesday 1 July 2015

The House
I see a creaky old house  with holes in the roof. Some of the windows are smashed and some are blacked out. Outside of the house there are flowers teared and dirt everywhere.  

I try to open the gate but it won’t  buge and the gate was covered in blood. I’m breathing heavily as I push and push.
I feel the overgrown plants as they swish past me I smell blood in the air and feel creeped out and I see blood on the path way.

I smell blood lots of blood and in my mouth I taste bitter cold dried ice I hear A scream then blood comes dripping out the door.

I anxiously start to open the door I close it again  I feel anxious about if I should open it do I open it do I not???
So I decide to go in I see a pale man with a scratched up face  He is holding an axe with blood dripping off it.

the island
He has blood red hair he carries an axe with blood stains on it. he has  eyes as black as the night and a pale face.   
He is going to the island because the police are after him because he murdered someone famous.
The journey take him 13 hours 33 minutes he took a little blow up boat  because he is banned from airplanes and because the police will find him .