
Friday 7 September 2018

My Mini Inquiry

This week we got the tasks to do a mini inquiry on rubbish.
Each group had a type of rubbish that they had to research and learn about.
First we had to brainstorm things that we already new about the topic that you were given.
My topic was plastic.
Once we had brain brainstormed we had to find out some more information and then note take on what we had learnt.
I found a really cool video of a woman that only collected one jar of rubbish over four years.
She was able to do this by going to supermarkets where you are aloud to take your own containers and use those instead of buying packaged food that is covered in plastic.

She was also able to do this by composting and recycling lots of her stuff and not uing unnecessary things. 
Here is the slide of what I did my work on.

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